Why Take An Ayurveda Certification Course?

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The COVID-19 lockdown has led to a significant disruption of classroom education across all disciplines. But the bright side of it is that a flood of opportunities has opened up to learn anything and everything online. Amongst the diverse options available are Ayurveda Certification Courses which you can study from the comforts of your home or wherever you are, at your own pace, from experienced professionals. All you need is a laptop and an internet connection.

The Ayurvedic system of medicine is relevant more than ever today, as people across the world are looking for a healthier way of life rather than cures for specific ailments. Ayurveda believes that one can prevent diseases and live a healthier and happier life by letting go of unhealthy habits and foods and embracing healthy ones. This being the need of the hour has prompted Ayush to craft an Ayurveda Certification Course put together by practicing Ayurveda doctors themselves.

A beginner’s Ayurveda Certification Course will teach you the fundamentals of this ancient science which are crucial to forming a firm foundation. While it might seem to a beginner that Ayurveda is all about massages with herbal oils, there is much more to it. It is a medical system based on the principle that one’s diet, lifestyle, weather, and many other factors contribute to one’s robust health or ill health. Thus, the treatment methods would be holistic, considering the mental and spiritual well-being as well. According to Ayurveda, there are five elements on earth – air, water, space, fire, and space. The three doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – are combinations of these elements, and every human body would have these three doshas in different proportions according to their body type. Any imbalance in the doshas will cause ailments, and the treatments for those ailments aim to correct the imbalance.

The food one consumes is crucial in Ayurveda, and there are specific diets for each condition or ailment. The concept of Viruddhahara elaborates on how certain foods interact and, therefore, should not be consumed together. Ayurveda goes back to 3,000 years. A thorough history of its evolution would be an integral part of the course, besides human anatomy and lessons on the various medicinal herbs and their combinations. Yoga and the various asanas suited for each condition and different massage therapies would also be part of the Ayurveda Certification Course.

Panchakarma involves a controlled detox of the body before zeroing in on the therapy suited to the ailment. Massage therapies aimed at weight loss or just a sense of well-being and stress relief are in demand today, as are certified practitioners

Anyone who has passed Class 12 from a science stream can apply for an Ayurveda Certification Course. Once you have completed the course, you will be eligible to practice and integrate the principles into your own life. Not only would it help your mental and physical well-being, but you would also be able to help family and friends better their lives.

Above all, it’s a sustainable system of medicine that is in tune with nature and does not involve the administration of harmful chemicals into the body.

Ayurvedic principles can also be applied in various other fields, like nutrition, infertility treatment, and pain management, where employment opportunities are plenty as well.


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