Reasons to Take an Ayurveda Therapy Course

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Ayurveda literally translated as the ‘science of life, is an ancient system of medicine and healing which strives to treat the mind, body, and spirit simultaneously. The Ayurveda Therapy Course at Ayush Ayurveda Academy, Singapore is designed to bring you all-encompassing knowledge of Ayurveda through different programmes based on different educational and time requirements of its students.

Ayurveda has multiple streams, of which the various massage therapies are just one. Ayurveda believes that the three Doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, and their correct ratios, maintain the body’s physiological and psychological balance. Any imbalance can cause an ailment, and to restore the balance, one needs to follow a holistic program involving Dinacharya, Rutucharya, Vega Adharana, Rasayana–Vajikarana, and Panchakarma.

Panchakarma is the stream that pertains to physical therapies. They are one of the most popular owing to the sense of wellness and relaxation they induce and the medical benefits. The specifics about the Panchakarma therapy, the processes preceding it, practical sessions on conducting the various therapies are all taught in an Ayurveda Therapy Course. Anyone who has passed Class 12 can take up the course, which will help not just their clients or family but also themselves.

Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic detox of the body. As the name indicates, it involves five processes through which the body can be detoxed. The five cleansing processes are Nasya (administering medicated oils through the nostrils), Vasti and Anuvasana (enema therapy), Virechana (induced and controlled purgation), and Vamana (induced detox of doshas through the mouth). The Ayurveda Therapy Course will cover these in detail.

Panchakarma begins with the preparatory Poorvakarma processes like Snehakarma and Swedakarma – which involve various kinds of herbal steaming, herb-induced sweating, and oleation using medicated oils. An Ayurveda Therapy Course will also teach students about the different kinds of massage therapies in Panchakarma, their uses, and the commonly used oils.

A unique feature of Panchakarma is the various stress-relieving therapies like the Sirovasti, Sirodhara, and the Sirolepana, which are procedures where medicated oils and herbs are poured on the forehead for specific periods. These are mostly held over one or two weeks and at specific retreats where the ambiance of peace and calm is as crucial as the therapy. Pizhichil is another popular Panchakarma therapy where the entire body is massaged with medicated oils, leaving the muscles relaxed and rejuvenated.

The benefits of Panchakarma are many; besides slowing down the aging process, it aids immunity and a healthy appetite, improves sleep, and induces a sense of well-being. A controlled diet and routine for a specific period will lead to weight loss, while the healthy habits acquired during therapy eventually result in one’s ideal weight when appropriately followed. The therapy is also believed to address diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, mental disorders, and auto-immune disorders.

An Ayurveda Therapy Course will also include the basics – the history of Ayurveda, its concepts of health, and the various body functions. As the primary motto of Ayurveda goes, prevention is better than cure, and the system advocates a healthy lifestyle devoid of excesses, which will ward off diseases. 

Getting trained in an Ayurveda Therapy Course can make you a therapist, which has good potential for taking it as a career option. 


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